Parkinson’s Wellness Program
Exercise is an important part of healthy living for everyone. However, for people with Parkinson’s, exercise is not only healthy but a vital component of maintaining balance, mobility, and daily living activities.
Join the fight to beat Parkinson’s Disease!
We’ve united to raise awareness and funds for the Parkinson’s Foundation Moving Day, A Walk for Parkinson’s. Whether you register to join our team or donate, you’re helping us make life better for the one million people with Parkinson’s and the nearly 90,000 more that will be diagnosed this year. Your support is crucial in helping the Parkinson’s Foundation fulfill its commitment to finding a cure and enhancing the quality of life for those living with Parkinson’s today.
Thank you for supporting our team and the vital work of the Parkinson’s Foundation!
To donate or visit a team members personal page please select from the ‘Team Roster’ list at the bottom of the page. If you want to make a team donation, email [email protected] or call 1-800-4PD-INFO (473-4636).

Exercise can benefit those with the symptoms of Parkinson’s, for example:

An exercise program can slow the progression of the Parkinson's disease, decrease the risk of falls and other complications.
These are some of the exercises that Fitness Vitality LLC offers to help Parkinson’s patients.
Dance 4 Life – This fun and exciting activity will help you with balance, coordination, flexibility, strength and cardiovascular. We incorporate different movements to the beat of your favorite music. Dance helps make daily tasks easier and improves your overall life.
Fitness Vitality LLC trainer offers personalized training based on your needs and abilities.
Talk to your doctor or physical therapist to get clearance and guidance for your best options. With a little guidance and dedication, you can be on the way to a healthier and less stressful life.